From: "Dawn McGlothin" Date: Sun, 2 Aug 1998 10:14:30 -0700 Subject: Beyond The Pale Summary: The Syndicate have a plan to destroy Mulder by using against him what he holds most valuable--Scully. Just before "The End"; language, violence, some ActionScully, and double helpings of Mulderangst. Spoilers: "The Blessing Way", "Redux", "Never Again", "The Pine Bluff Variant", Disclaimer: Mulder, Scully, and The Syndicate are all property of Chris Carter, Ten Thirteen, and Fox; lyrics by Tori Amos. FEEDBACK should go to BEYOND THE PALE by Dawn McGlothin "And if I'm just wasting your time, this time maybe you never learned to take And if I'm hanging onto your shade I guess I'm way beyond the pale." Part 1 Mulder was typing up a report when Scully came in. She looked strange; there was something unusual about the way she was taking in the office that they'd shared for so long. It was almost as if she were re-evaluating her position down here in the basement. He was about to ask her if she was O.K. when she said, "I have something to say to you." He knew by the sinking feeling in his stomach that she was about to tell him something he didn't want to hear. He pushed back from the computer, wondering if it was another rant about her life going nowhere. She searched his face, then folded her arms. "That 'shadow government' as you put it, the one you claim that Cancerman works for, has employed me here for the last five years. I've been gathering all the details of our work and reporting it to them." The floor dropped out from beneath him. He gripped the edge of the desk and couldn't breathe. Not you, Scully. Those same eyes that had looked at him with concern, respect, even anger, now gazed back colder than he had ever seen them. She had just ripped away the one thing holding him up, the one constant in a world of changing shapes and faces. The only person he'd come to trust and love was also against him. No, it isn't true. "You're lying", he said, "I don't believe it...I can't..." He extended his arm across the desk, unsure of what he was reaching for. He was dying a thousand deaths inside and it didn't even faze her. "Mulder, are you O.K.?" He opened his eyes wide and took in a deep breath. Lifting his head he stared directly at Scully, who was touching his arm and looking concerned. He was in the office. He'd fallen asleep at his desk. He willed his heart to stop racing as he sat back. "You were mumbling, and then you grabbed at something.", she said, "Was it a bad dream?" No. I don't really remember," he lied. The fragments of the dream faded away, leaving him with a sense of foreboding. Was this a sign, or his biggest fear that he had kept locked down, finally surfacing? * * * In a dim, smoky room in New York City, several figures had gathered for an informal meeting. The one who had called the meeting, a man with an icy stare and shrewd manners, was speaking. "Apparently, Mulder hasn't been thrown off by our little story", his cigarette glowed as he paused briefly, "He's been shaken but still holds firm to his mission. What he found in the Department of Defense didn't work." "But what else can we do", asked the heavy-set man at the other end of the room. He spoke in a monotone that belied the evil plans they were discussing. "You've told us in the past that his death would turn into a crusade. We can't get rid of him. We can't break him down. What other option do we have?" The smoking man stroked his chin thoughtfully. "I have an idea about that." The others turned to look at each other. * * * After Mulder had left the office, somewhat shaken, Scully sat down at the desk to see what report he'd been working on. The Freedom Fighters. That whole case had been something of a sensitive subject for them, because he'd deliberately left her in the dark about it. She had forgiven him for it a long time ago, but he had a tendency to feel guilty about things beyond his control. If that case was still upsetting him, then maybe they'd better have a talk. Sighing, she saved the file for him, shut off the computer, and locked up the office. * * * Mulder had received an anonymous message that someone had information for him. He sat in the car just a block from Folger Park and glanced over at his partner. She had insisted on coming with him, even though he had steadfastly refused to let her do so in the past. It was his way of protecting her. But for some reason, this time, he had given in, and he was still trying to figure it out. Maybe reassurance, he thought. It was amazing, how quickly he had gone from loner to trusting someone else with his life. He looked over again and smiled at her profile; she was looking out the window and didn't notice. A tap on the back of the car made him jump. They got out and spotted a figure standing in the shadows. "You said you had something for me." Mulder said. "Yes, I do," the figure answered; Mulder recognized the voice and his heart sank. This was the man he'd gone head-to-head with in the past, the man who'd been behind the darkest lies and most unspeakable acts, done to himself and, worst of all, to Scully. He instantly wished he hadn't let her come. "What do you think I would want from YOU?", he asked. Silence. A tendril of smoke curled away from the other man. Finally he said, "Actually, Mr. Mulder, I need something from you first." He turned to Scully and asked, "Do you have it?" She stepped forward and handed over a thick folder. Mulder looked at him, then at her, totally bewildered. "Scully, what are you doing?" She regarded him for a moment before drawing her gun and pointing it directly at him. "Sorry, Mulder." "Jesus Christ!" Mulder suddenly sat up on his couch. He ran his hand through his hair and tried to push away the dream. Why was this happening? Of all the doubts and fears he had in the past, this had never been one of them. Scully's trust was something he'd never questioned or took for granted. This didn't make sense. Things had been O.K. between them recently. They still could rely on each other as before. Why did this come up now? * * * Later that night Scully was curled up on the couch watching TV. She wasn't paying attention to the program; her mind was still back in the office. Mulder hadn't called all night, which was unusual. He'd been so upset when he left she was sure she'd be hearing from him. Sometimes when he got into one of his moods he'd stay there for days, and that worried her. She wished he would just talk. She was getting up to call him when the phone rang. Finally, she thought, breathing a sigh of relief. The voice on the other end spoke with a clipped British accent. "Miss Scully, I have something that might interest you. I need you to meet me across from Georgetown University." "Who are you? How do I know....", but she was talking to no one; the line had gone dead. * * * She slowed the car and scanned the campus grounds. She knew exactly who she was looking for--she'd met this man before. She stopped the car, squinting into the darkness. Suddenly the passenger door opened and a tall, thin, older man got into the car. She was surprised but tried not to show it. "O.K., so what do you have?", she asked. "I have something that you and your partner have been looking for for a long time. I am willing to make a deal with you for information on both Samantha and your abduction." Scully stared in amazement. Here it was, after all these years, landing right in her lap. That is, if this proved to be true. "How do I know you're not lying?" "Was I lying at the funeral?" She remembered the funeral of Mulder's father. This man talking to her now had told her that someone would be sent to kill her. He'd been correct, but the killer had inadvertently shot her sister instead. That wound had never completely healed. "Why are you telling me this?", she asked. "Because another attempt will be made; because I don't believe in what they are doing. I can stop it, but I need something from you. I need something to bargain with." "And that is..?" "The files from when Mulder was in the Department of Defense. I need to know what he saw." Scully weighed this. She'd dealt with these people before. Sometimes they were right. Sometimes they lied. The idea that he might lead them both to what they sought was intriguing, but it wasn't something that she could decide on her own. She would have to talk to Mulder first. "I need to discuss this with..." "No! Mulder won't believe. He's in a volatile state right now. That's why I came to you. Just bring me the files." He got out of the car and walked away. She sat and went through the entire exchange in her mind. Give away her and Mulder's cherished work for the road to the truth. And what if it turned out to be wrong? What if it was just another ploy to shut them down? Could she risk it? Her abduction. The chip in her neck. Samantha. Bill Mulder's involvement in the conspiracy. These were all questions that they had been seeking for a long time. Scully knew how important Samantha was to Mulder. That had never been a question. If she could do this for him, put an end to all the pain he'd been carrying all of these years, she would take a gamble. And her own abduction and illness. Finally she could find peace with the world if she would only be told why. She sat for almost an hour. Then she started the car again and drove away. * * * Basement office, early morning Mulder sat staring blankly at the papers in front of him. The dreams themselves had faded, but the feeling hadn't. He couldn't focus. Dreaming that Scully would ever betray him made his blood run cold. He was one to believe in dreams. He had several in the past that had turned out to be prophetic, and that's why this one scared him so much. Not her. Not his best friend. * * * She came in with her usual good morning smile, put her briefcase down and went back out into the hall for coffee. When she came back she noticed that Mulder hadn't moved from his position. "Mulder is in a volatile state right now." The words came back to her. His faith had been shaken in the last few months, but he never gave the impression that he was wavering from his mission. She wanted more than ever to erase the suffering he'd gone through for the last twenty-five years. "Mulder? Are you feeling O.K.?" "I'm fine. I just haven't been sleeping very well." Bad dreams. That was never a good sign when it came to Mulder. He would follow them until he had discerned every ounce of meaning that might be there. "Is it your sister?", she asked softly. "No. I really don't want to talk about it." * * * They managed to get through the rest of the day, but it was tense. He made her jumpy and she was actually glad when he left. She waited until his footsteps receded then she went to the computer and pulled up his journal from last fall. She read through his observations about the tables of fake alien bodies and the fertlity experiments on the women. She hit a few keys and the printer started working. END part 1 Part 2 A park bench, late afternoon The smoking man sat forward on the bench, his elbows resting on his knees. To the passersby he looked at as if he were watching the ducks swimming around in the pond across the way; actually his thoughts were on the meeting two days before. He knew that when he had outlined his plan concerning the "Mulder problem", as they referred to it, his colleague would find a way to stop him. He'd suspected him in the past of leaking information to Mulder, and so he used that against him. He knew already what Mulder had seen in the DoD; that wouldn't be news to him. However, if the agents were put in a position where they might finally be shown what purpose was, the mission behind it all, it might actually come between them. He lit another cigarette. If they were divided somehow, if that partnership that posed such a threat were dissolved, Mulder would be in a better position to take his offer. He respected Mulder, the way his mind worked, and would be a worthy ally. Without his partner's influence he would be easier to manipulate. So it was no surprise when he was informed that his associate had gone to Scully with the news. What WAS a surprise was that it may have worked. Scully had communicated that she was willing to deal. He sat back and smiled. This might actually come together as he wanted. * * * For some reason Mulder felt he should return to the office. He went quietly down the hall and peered through the half-open door. She was printing something at the computer. The image of her handing a file over came back and he shook himself. No, that wasn't right. It didn't fit. He purposely made a noise in the hall, then backed around the corner. He watched as she came to the door, looking rather startled and wary, then shut and locked it. * * * Later he sat in his car in the parking structure, waiting for her to leave. There she was, holding her briefcase close to her. She got into her car and headed for the freeway. He pulled out and got behind her, trying not to follow too close. For about forty five minutes she drove, until they were just outside of Richmond. She pulled off onto a back road and stopped. Mulder parked his car around a bend so that she wouldn't see it. He got out and went through the brush, keeping low. * * * Scully halted on the dirt road and waited. Not a minute later another car came from the other direction, with the headlights off. She got out as the man in the other car did the same. Rather than walking up and handing the folder to him, she stayed near the car and made him come over to her. "Did you bring it?", his accent making the words hang heavily in the night air. "Yes." He put his hand out, but she still didn't give the file to him. "How do I know this isn't a trick? What are you going to use this for?" "Don't you don't see what's going on here? I'm trying to defend you. There is a plan to remove you and Mulder, much more serious than you think This plan is being executed by people who have a mission bigger than yours. You have to trust me." "Trust you? There is no one I trust, least of all not you." "Think about what you might find, young lady; all the pieces to the puzzle, laid out so that you can see the whole picture." She narrowed her eyes as she studied him. Who was she doing this for? And if Mulder were in this position, would he be doing the same? She didn't have reason to trust, but none to distrust either. She went over both sides of the question carefully. And then held out the file. He smiled as he took it, reaching into his pocket for a small envelope. "This is where you will find the answers." He went back to his car. * * * Mulder watched the entire exchange. He was too far away to hear anything, but he saw that they were discussing something. Then he saw Scully give him a file. Coldness slowly crept over him; he felt like he was outside of himself, watching from a distance. Then the anger came. In a blinding flash he saw what had really been going on. Cancerman had sent Scully to the X-files. She had openly admitted to that. He was there when Section Chief Blevins gave her the assignment. But he'd been so wrapped up in himself and his search that he never once wondered whether that had been planned. The fatal step had been taken when he willingly gave her his trust. He told her everything, had shown her everything. She knew as much as he did now. She had access to the files. She even knew the password to his own computer and had read his journals. And now she was handing it all over to the other side. Anger, hurt, and disbelief were all competing inside of him. This was all a hoax from the beginning. He knew that she was good at lying; she'd done it for him in the past very well. All the events that had taken place over the last five years had been a set up. He was beyond judgement and reason. All he knew now was that he had failed to listen to his own tenet--he couldn't trust anyone. * * * After he left, Scully quickly drove off. She had felt from the time she left the building that she was being watched, and that grew stronger now even though she didn't see anyone. Once she got back into the city she pulled over to look at the envelope. Inside was a key and an address. She held the key in front of her and frowned. She'd been down this path too many times. Was it real this time? Would this get her what she wanted--what Mulder wanted? She'd just gone back on one of her strongest principles. Still, it was a lead. Countless times before they'd gotten information that they laughed at that turned out to be something important. She set the key down and went in search of the building. * * * Mulder fumed while he followed Scully. Of all the wrongs done to him, this one cut the deepest. He couldn't believe how stupid he had been; just because she had showed him sympathy and concern, just because she had strong maternal instincts and a pretty face, he had opened up and told her everything. Everything! He pounded the steering wheel. Scully had become so much a part of his life for the last five years he never thought she'd be a spy in the true sense of the word. But deep down inside, past all the hurt and rage, part of him was still not believing it. The part of him that was struggling to remain rational was telling him he was wrong. * * * Somewhere in a non-descript apartment, NYC The phone rang and the man put out his cigarette to answer it. "We have the file." was all the voice told him before hanging up. "Good," he said to the empty room. "It's just getting started." * * * "Scully." The sound of Mulder's voice stopped her as she walked between the storage lockers. She spun and found herself face-to-face with a seething Mulder. She could immediately feel how much anger and hate was being directed at her. Oh, god, he found me out, was her first thought. Even in the dark she could see how his eyes were blazing. She assumed that he had seen the meeting or else he would never have found her here. For the first time she was scared of him. She knew what he was capable of, but never had his meanness been towards her. She backed up against the wall of a locker. She couldn't take her eyes from his face. She prayed that he would understand the chance she took, that it was the same risk he hade made over and over. "Mulder, listen, I can explain..." "Why, Scully? Why did you lie to me?" His voice was devoid of any emotion; it almost didn't sound human. "I did it for both of we can get what we're looking for." "Is this what it takes? Sneaking around and deceiving me?" She had to act fast; she held up the key. "I might have something that will lead us to Samantha. Please, just let me show you." This was probably a plea for her life. If he was pushed close enough to the edge he would only react by instinct and not logic. To her horror he drew his pistol and pointed it at her. This was a bad dream, she thought, this was not happening. "All right, but it better be good," he answered, "I'm not in the mood for games." END part 2 * * * Part 3 From a distance a small red glow appeared in the dark where a shadow stood. This was better than he expected. He waited until they were out of sight and then headed for the locker by a different route. * * * Mulder had the gun pressed right into her back as they moved past the lockers. Scully was starting to get angry herself. At the position she was in, at the person who'd put her there, at Mulder for being able to take these chances but going crazy if she did. If she got out of this alive she was going to let him have it. Big time. They finally found the locker and she turned the key in the door. They stepped inside, wondering at what they would find. If this was the end of their search. It was empty. For almost a minute they just stared, then they turned to each other. "This was a joke! They just sent us on a fool's errand!" Scully said. "No, YOU were sent. You just gave away all of our work. Now they know everything we've done!" "Is this any different from what you've done in the past?" "I have never betrayed you, Scully! I've never just given it all over to the other side!" "I would never tell them the truth. I changed everything in those files. That information is useless to them." He gaped at her. She changed them...the files were fake... He tried to think of something to say, but she had already turned and went out the door. * * * Scully raged as she walk back through the yard. This was so unfair, she thought, why is everything so unequal, even though she had proved herself to him time after time? As she turned a corner, she caught a glimpse of a familiar face and the scent of smoke. Hate was suddenly so prevalent inside her she didn't realize until she had her gun in her hand that she had started following him. Mulder was calling for her to come back, but she pushed it aside. She was going to find that smoking bastard. She could hear him ahead of her now. Obviously he hadn't expected her to go after him. She turned another corner, and caught sight of him, at the end of the row. "Stop right there." He stopped and turned. He hadn't foreseen that she would be the one who would act. "I ought to blow your head off, you son of a bitch!" Her voice was low, and dripping with so much venom that uncertainty flickered in his eyes for a second. Mulder caught up and saw what was happening. He walked up behind her. "Scully, don't, it's not worth it." She didn't even seem to blink. Both men could feel the waves coming off of her. He tried again. "Scully, please. This won't solve anything." "It will if it means he won't screw us again." The other man tried to keep his composure as they discussed his fate. He had no doubt that if Mulder wasn't there she would have shot him on the spot. For the first time ever he didn't know how to get out of this. The reigns Mulder had on her were stretching thin. "Look, I've been in this same position. You won't forgive yourself," he was saying. "You can't prove anything. Just let it go." She turned so quickly towards him that he took a step backwards. "Just let it go? After all that's happened?" Her voice was rising. "I should end this right now. I should just....." She suddenly realized that it was just the two of them. * * * They drove in silence. Scully was at the wheel, her chin jutted out so much that Mulder tried to stay as close to the passenger door as he could. After Cancerman had disappeared she ordered him into the car. His own was still at the storage yard. His uneasiness grew; she was driving faster than she normally did. He cleared his throat. "Um, aren't you going a little..." "Shut up." He decided he'd look out the window instead. After a while she stopped. "Get out." END part 3 Part 4 They were on some godforsaken stretch of country road. Mulder was thankful he had an eidetic memory-- if Scully was merciful and merely made him walk home he would remember the way. But the way she looked, coming around from the drivers side and standing in front of the passenger door, he doubted he was going to be let off easy. She proceeded to lay into him. "You think I can't take care of myself? You think I can't go out on a limb like you do? Why is it O.K. for you to ditch me but if I do the same you think it's wrong?" "You don't understand...I saw you with that file..I followed you and saw you give it to him. What was I SUPPOSED to think?" "You should be thinking that I know what I'm doing just as much as you do." He winced. "I don't need a baby-sitter. Just because I'm a woman doesn't mean I can't take risks." "Wait, Scully, that's not..." "I've put in just as much work as you have. I've lost as much as you. Where would you be right now if it weren't for me?" Every word was a lash of a whip. "Do you know how many times I've defended you? Lied for you? I could have had the X-files shut down a long time ago. You wouldn't have gotten this far without me!" The sudden silence pounded in his ears. He looked down at the grass along the curb; every word she said was true. He did forget that she was the other half sometimes, but that was to keep her from crossing the line into real danger. He also realized what the dreams meant. They were showing him what it would be like if there really wasn't anyone he could trust. He'd been thinking this whole time that it was about Scully betraying him; he didn't think it was concerning his not showing enough appreciation of her. "I know that I don't treat you equal...but it's because I don't want to see you harmed." "That's what an FBI agent is supposed to accept. I don't need anyone looking out for me." He finally looked up. His voice was soft. "I do it because I care about you. Because I don't know if I could do this without you." He suddenly looked very much like a little boy. Dammit, Mulder, only you would say that at a time like this. She softened, but just a little. "I need you to understand that I know what I'm doing. I need you to remember that I'm your equal. I have a stake in this just like you do." He nodded and went back to staring at his shoes. She was glad he couldn't see her because she suddenly got the urge to laugh. She decided that he'd had enough. She sighed and gestured with her hand. "All right get back into the car." He headed for the driver's side but she stopped him. "I'm driving,"